Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lofticries - Purity Ring

When it comes to Purity Ring's music, I actually don't know what genre to classify them as. Whatever it is, is unique and really, really good. I stumbled onto their music randomly about a month ago, and Lofticries is the song that got me hooked.

Like most of Purity Ring's songs, Lofticries has a very calm and relaxed atmosphere. The song's layers come together to create a sound that makes me feel at piece. No one sound becomes too overbearing at anytime. In about the last minute or so, the beat changes slightly but doesn't stray too far from the original beat.

What I like about the vocals on this track is the same thing I like about the vocals on their other songs. The delivery fits perfectly with the beat, while the actual lyrical content is very outlandish and doesn't match with the tone of Megan's voice. The way that the lyrics differ from the beat though cause you to pay more attention to them when you play the song again. I don't personally find much meaning to the lyrics, but I think they sound good all the same.

I first heard Purity Ring over Rdio. It's a pretty good way to find new music, check it out and see if you find something you like. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so let me know what you find.
Shrines by Purity Ring on Rdio

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