Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lofticries - Purity Ring

When it comes to Purity Ring's music, I actually don't know what genre to classify them as. Whatever it is, is unique and really, really good. I stumbled onto their music randomly about a month ago, and Lofticries is the song that got me hooked.

Like most of Purity Ring's songs, Lofticries has a very calm and relaxed atmosphere. The song's layers come together to create a sound that makes me feel at piece. No one sound becomes too overbearing at anytime. In about the last minute or so, the beat changes slightly but doesn't stray too far from the original beat.

What I like about the vocals on this track is the same thing I like about the vocals on their other songs. The delivery fits perfectly with the beat, while the actual lyrical content is very outlandish and doesn't match with the tone of Megan's voice. The way that the lyrics differ from the beat though cause you to pay more attention to them when you play the song again. I don't personally find much meaning to the lyrics, but I think they sound good all the same.

I first heard Purity Ring over Rdio. It's a pretty good way to find new music, check it out and see if you find something you like. I'm always looking for new music to listen to, so let me know what you find.
Shrines by Purity Ring on Rdio

Runaway - Kanye West

One of the better song off of an amazing album. While the video for this song is pretty interesting, I actually prefer the full length version on the album. There is also a 34 minute short film to go along with the song that you should check out at some point.

This track starts off with a few simple notes played over and and over on a piano, which becomes the frame for the song. This song comes off as very sincere for a hip hop track because of the instrument choices. The drums are simple but come through clearly. A lot of the other sounds are understated but meaningful.

On this Kanye choose to sing most of his lyrics as opposed to rapping. This helps to further support the sincerity of the song. The focus of the song is about someone coming to terms that they are the problem in a relationship, and giving their partner an out. He's literally telling them that it would be best for them to runaway from him as fast as they can and don't look back.

The feature on this track, Pusha T, contrasts the message Kanye is trying to send. He speaks of admitting that he has bad tendencies, but he doesn't really care and that if you leave you're not going to find anything better. The song could have existed without the feature, but it doesn't detract from it too much since it's short.

Runaway is from the album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" which is definitely worth a listen or twenty, your call.

Strobe - deadmau5

For me, deadmau5 is like the gateway drug to electronic dance music. He's not the best or the worst producer, but what he does create is very easy to get into. I say this from personal experience. Entering into University I was transitioning in a lot of areas of my life, and music happened to be one of them. I stumbled onto Strobe randomly while browsing Youtube, and have been a big fan of EDM ever since.

To be forewarned, Strobe is a long song for most genres of music. But as you experience the build that gradually happens of the duration of the track, you are rewarded for your patience. The beat starts out very simple, but progressively adds more and more small elements that just fit together.

For me, the song is about life. It starts out slow and gradually gets more complex. Then it starts to get more exciting as you grow. The beat change around the 4 minute mark is represents changing tastes and attitudes. And you continue to grow and change until you reach your peak, like with the beat drop at 6:48. After which things eventually begin to slow down again and become simpler, until it's all over.

If you find you like this song, you should definitely check out more of deadmau5's work and see where it takes you.
Joel Zimmerman (deadmau5) on Soundcloud

Emma Kate's Accident - Bloc Party

Emma Kate's Accident on

While this isn't my favorite Bloc Party song, it is one of the most meaningful to me. Before I even comprehended what the lyrics were saying, I connected with the instrumentals. This track is a good deal slower and low key than the majority of Bloc's other tracks.

The song opens with acoustic guitar, which helps make the song feel more personal. The other instruments come in and blend well, the drums and bass providing a steady rhythm, and the accompanying guitar adding itself in gently. For the song doesn't change much as it progresses, but it doesn't feel like it needs to.

Now onto the lyrics. After listening to the song a few times I realized that it was about domestic abuse. This is actually a fairly sensitive issue for me, as I have a relative who has experienced it firsthand. The lyrics reflect what I actually saw in the situation. Trying to make excuses, trying to cover up for the other person involved, trying to cling onto something that just isn't healthy. And it also touches on the fact that the victim isn't really lying to the observer, they are lying to themselves.

Even without the lyrics or the personal connection, this is a very good track. One that you can just close your eyes, and let yourself drift away to.

Pyramid Song - Radiohead

This is probably the best song Radiohead has ever made, ever. As a fan who has listened to every track they have released to date, I don't make this claim lightly. From the moment that the first note is played, the song sucks you in. The somber tone sets the mood for the next 5 minutes that song holds you for.

The song is very slow and solemn at the beginning, with just a piano and a few other sounds to carry you in. When the percussion comes in, it complements the piano perfectly and adds more layers to the experience without drawing away from the atmosphere. Towards the end, the string section comes in and blends in seamlessly, eventually becoming the focal point of the song in the last minute.

Thom's first drawn out "oooooo" haunts you, and the delivery of the rest of his lyrics continue to do the same. I get a feeling that the narrator of  the song has just lost everything, has tried to escape the feeling of despair, and then lets go and accepts their fate. The line "and we all went to heaven in a little row boat, there was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt" sums this feeling up for me.

While the title of the song has nothing to do with the lyrics or the video, Pyramid Song is a very well put together track from start to finish. The video is also really well done, and complements the song beautifully. If you haven't listened to a Radiohead song, this should definitely be the one you do listen to.

Pyramid Song Music Video on iTunes